what is livescan fingerprinting?
Livescan Fingerprinting refers to both the technique and the technology used by law enforcement agencies and private facilities to capture fingerprints and palm prints electronically, without the need for the more traditional method of ink and paper. There are major advantages to this new technology in the field of fingerprinting. First, there is no mess as with the black printer's ink. Second, there is no chance for human and/or mechanical error as there is with the ink fingerprint method. Third, the time lapse between the actual taking of the fingerprints and the background results is achieved in hours/days as opposed to months.
who needs to be livescan fingerprinted?
Today, almost all states are mandating the taking of Livescan fingerprinting of all applicants of positions of contact with vulnerable members of society, such as the elderly, children, the mentally ill and the physically disabled. As communities are invested in protecting these groups, Livescan fingerprinting has allowed for the quick and cost effective background checks of people coming into contact with the protected element of our society. Livescan is required as a condition of employment and/or licensure for: Teachers and School Staff, Healthcare Workers, Security Guards, School Bus Drivers, Nurses, Foster Parents, Youth Volunteers, and anyone applying for professional licensure. Private entities may also use Livescan fingerprinting to conduct pre-employment screening on applicants
how does the process work?
A Trained and Certified Technician will scan your fingerprints using a Livescan machine. The electronic fingerprinting session takes five to ten minutes and your prints are immediately sent via electronic transmission to the appropriate agencies for background processing. The technician will collect all the appropriate fees from you (the livescan applicant). The results are sent electronically to the requesting agency for either Licensure or Employment Purposes.
what do i need to bring with me to be livescan fingerprinted?
To be Livescan fingerprinted you will need to provide a completed Request for Livescan form for your specific need and a current valid photo ID. Examples of acceptable identification are:
- Illinois Driver's License
- Illinois issued ID Card
- Valid out-of-state Driver's License
- Military ID
- Passport
- Resident Alien Card
i HAVE been fingerprinted in the past, why do i need to do this again?
There are two main reasons why an individual needs to be printed more than once. First, a criminal background check is performed each time a person is printed. Once that background check is complete and sent to the requesting agency, it is no longer valid. Second, state and federal laws prevent a government agency from saving and sharing an individual’s fingerprints without their consent. This is a constitutionally protected civil liberty. The only exception to this would be prints taken for the purposes of certain licenses and in criminal arrest, conviction, or law enforcement investigations. Certain licenses require that fingerprints be saved with the agency issuing the license. However, neither the justice department nor the agency that obtained those prints is legally permitted to share the prints. Fingerprints that are taken for a criminal arrest, conviction, or investigation can be saved for use in the justice department only. In both situations, they cannot be shared without the consent of the individual, judicial intervention, or next of kin notification through the coroners’ office in the event of an individual’s death
how much does it cost?
The fees for a Livescan fingerprint background check vary depending on the level of check performed as well as the purpose. Backgrounds are processed by the Illinois State Police (ISP) and /or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Your requester may have a subscriber agreement with FIRM Systems. If they do, no fees will be needed. If you are required to pay a fee, your technician will inform what that amount is when you schedule your appointment.
if my fingerprints are not accepted, what happens next?
Fingerprints are rejected on occasion for several reasons. The most common reasons are the applicant's fingerprints have characteristics that are difficult to capture in the livescan process. This would include items such as cuts, scars and calluses. If an applicant has fingerprints rejected on this basis, and they were originally scanned by FIRM Systems, we will re-scan your fingerprints. There is a $10 reprint charge. FIRM Systems does not make any profit of reprints, the entire $10 fee is sent to the Illinois State Police.
do i have to make an appointment for livescan or can i just walk in?
FIRM Systems locations are independently operated. Hours/Schedule vary. Some may accept walk-ins and some are appointment only. To ensure timely service we recommend calling your preferred location in advance. If you need further assistance you can contact our corporate office at 886-721-1203.
HOW DO obtain a copy of fingerprint results?
The results of fingerprint background checks are sent directly from the Illinois State Police to the agency designated to receive those results. For instance, each school districts has a separate ORI number. Fingerprint results for school teachers are sent directly to the school linked to that ORI. ORI numbers are established by the Illinois State Police. FIRM Systems will not receive any results related to your fingerprint submission.
How do i check on the status of my fingerprint submission?
When you are fingerprinted, you will be given a receipt that lists a TCN number. To check on the status of your fingerprint submission, contact the Illinois State Police Bureau of Identification at (815) 740-5160. FIRM Systems has no information on the status of your fingerprint once it is sent to the Illinois State Police.